1, Clark Terrace Seaton, Adelaide 5023 SA, Australia

Chronic Allergies

Let us put it in a simple way. An allergy is the result of the response of our body to some stimulating factor which is known as an allergen. The allergen can be anything from dust particles, certain foods,fabric to certain pollens or moist conditions. There are numerous other allergens found around us which might pass as normal things to most people but may initiate simple to complex symptoms in some allergic people. Well, the symptoms may vary with the body type but the following ones are found most commonly:

  • Watery eyes
  • Skin dermatitis, redness, itching, rashes, swelling
  • Stuffed nose
  • Running nose and sneezing
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Asthmatic attacks
  • Gastric disturbances like diarrhea or constipation
  • Nausea, vomiting
  • Swollen tongue
  • Fatigue

The most severe symptoms include anaphylaxis and shocks which are cases for medical emergencies. One should refer to www.allergy.org.au for elaboration on the subject.

Most conventional therapies target allergens and symptoms (prescribing anti-allergic drugs or suppressing the immune response of our body) and seem to achieve instant results. Among the most common medications prescribed in conventional therapies, steroids and antihistamines are the frontline drugs. Going by their mode of action, they in a way weaken our immune system by suppressing it instead of enabling it to heal the body. But Homoeopathy does not believe in treating the condition but the patient. This holistic treatment modality focusses on the most crucial question – why that substance or condition (which we referred as ‘allergen’) triggered an abnormal response in the body? Or what was wrong in the person showing allergic symptoms? This is where Homoeopathy takes the edge. It stimulates the body to heal its tendency of showing abnormal response to allergens. In other words, Homoeopathy treats the person by eliminating the root cause of allergic responses which lies in the body itself. The traditional treatments require the patient must stay away from allergens or the environment harboring allergens. But Homoeopathy strengthens the person from within making him resilient and healthy enough to withstand the same environment with improved immunity.

Commonly found allergens around

  • Dust particles
  • Certain fabrics like polyester or silk
  • Certain foods like gluten, dairy products, soy, eggs, tomatoes, potatoes
  • Moisture conditions like the one promoting Asparagus fungi and molds
  • Synthetic substances like latex, animal fur, and nickel
  • Some medicines/drugs like penicillin, salts having sulfa group compounds
  • Certain parts of plants like pollen and grass
  • Stings from insects like wasps and bees

Homoeopath Deshdeep Singh at Homoeopathic Medical Centre holds a special interest in researching on allergies and formulating most potent medicaments. A large number of his patients from Australia and other parts of the world, who presented with acute and chronic allergies, have got cured of their allergic problems and are leading healthy lives. The proficient Homoeopath has a deep study on how to interpret the physical and psychological impact of allergens on specific patients. This forms the basis of his accurate prescription of patient-specific medicines.

For any query/suggestion, feel free to contact us.

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